What Local Restaurants are there in Chaozhou?
These are all Local Restaurants in Chaozhou:GUAN TANG BROTHER, Han Shang Lou, 非遺·老字號·阿彬牛肉火鍋(廣濟橋店), 官塘一品魚生·潮州菜, 千潮宴潮州菜(總店)
What are some highly-rated Local Restaurants in Chaozhou?
Some highly-rated Local Restaurants in Chaozhou include:GUAN TANG BROTHER:4.6, Han Shang Lou:4.2, 非遺·老字號·阿彬牛肉火鍋(廣濟橋店):4.5, 官塘一品魚生·潮州菜:5.0, 官塘原味魚生:4.5
At what locations in Chaozhou can Local Restaurants in Chaozhou be found?
The Local Restaurants in Chaozhou are mainly located in:GUAN TANG BROTHER:Chaozhou, Han Shang Lou:Chaozhou, 非遺·老字號·阿彬牛肉火鍋(廣濟橋店):Chaozhou, 官塘一品魚生·潮州菜:Chaozhou, 千潮宴潮州菜(總店):Chaozhou
What are the signature dishes at Local Restaurants in Chaozhou?
Specialty dishes at Local Restaurants in Chaozhou include:GUAN TANG BROTHER:Hot Pot, Han Shang Lou:Cantonese Cuisine, 非遺·老字號·阿彬牛肉火鍋(廣濟橋店):Hot Pot, 官塘一品魚生·潮州菜:Cantonese Cuisine, 千潮宴潮州菜(總店):Cantonese Cuisine
What's the average price per person at Local Restaurants in Chaozhou?
Average price per person at Local Restaurants in Chaozhou:GUAN TANG BROTHER:Avg. PKR 3,585.00/person, Han Shang Lou:Avg. PKR 4,741.00/person, 非遺·老字號·阿彬牛肉火鍋(廣濟橋店):Avg. PKR 4,023.00/person, 官塘一品魚生·潮州菜:Avg. PKR 4,223.00/person, 千潮宴潮州菜(總店):Avg. PKR 3,784.00/person
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