It's refreshing to know in 2024 that the robots have not taken over just yet. At 10am on the dot (check out time), as I stood at the door of my room about to leave with my belongings, a worker (probably one of the proprietors) pounded on the door. I did not give them the satisfaction of answering straight away. I stood at the door, waited a good minute, then opened. "Yes?" I said. "are you leaving?" "Um well I have my bags." "Right. It's just that it's 10 o clock." "And?" Honestly, it's an insult to not give guests at least a five minute grace period to exit your extremely modest accommodation. Yuck.
Also, the room was bitterly cold (I accept there's an air conditioner but you tend to keep switching it on and off all night .there's no middle ground). Might I recommend installing some actual insulation?