When the forest reaches the water source, there is a mountain with a small mouth, as if there is light. Then he left the boat and entered through the mouth. At first he was extremely narrow, but only then did he understand people. After walking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened. The land is flat and vast, with well-groomed houses, fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees, and bamboos. There is traffic on the streets, and chickens and dogs hear each other. Among them, the men and women are dressed like outsiders. His yellow hair hangs down, and he is contented with himself. Ziyun's ancestors fled the chaos of the Qin Dynasty and led his wife's people to this desperate situation. He never came back and was separated from outsiders. When I ask what era this is, I don’t know whether there was the Han Dynasty or the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Stop for a few days and resign. The human saying here: It is not enough for outsiders. After getting out and getting the boat, he helped him to the road and looked for it everywhere. When he went to the county, he went to the prefect and said so. The prefect immediately sent people to follow him in search of his desired direction, but he became lost and could no longer find his way. Nanyang Liu Ziji, a noble man, heard about it and went there happily. Without success, he ends up seeking illness. After that, no one cared. "Peach Blossom Spring" Tao Yuanming can finally take a break and take some time to write this review. On the day I checked out, the moment I walked towards the stone door, I looked back. This stone door seemed to be magical. When you walked in, you knew that there would be a "Peach Blossom Land" in this world. When you walked out, you felt as if you were apart. Dream. It's called "Dongdao Tribe" and how it managed to enter the hearts of every villager in Libo - this is the most magical place. Xiao Lin, the housekeeper, Xiao Liu, whom I met for the first time, a deaf-mute friend, the villagers from Shui Nationality I met on the road, and the warm and smiling mother-in-law. Lily, who is in charge of three meals a day, likes the careful food and plate matching. The curly-haired guy in the small bar, how does he make the pizza soft but not heavy, elastic like a sponge without the burden of taste. When I took the first bite, I was overjoyed. The delicious feeling opened up the numbness and closure of my seven orifices. I feel happy and joyful, full and satisfied. I feel the care of the people here. They are really attentive to cooking, delicacies, crafts, plowing, digging, and growing vegetables. They respect themselves and revere nature. He smiles so joyfully and proudly, and casually remarks on some old English songs that may be classics. As free as a bird, as unrestrained as a wild horse. A group of men came back from the mud with hoes on their shoulders. Their clothes were covered with mud. They showed me the most primitive and essential nature of human beings. I saw in them the "solidarity" of their souls. Book a room in a place just to have fun, taste the food of a foreign place, and feel the customs of a foreign land. Then this place is more than just that. It makes me look at life from a different perspective, it makes me calm, it makes me reminisce, and it makes me think. It makes me believe that by breaking the so-called fate, everything you want can come true. #The room facilities like the bed and pillows, which are very helpful for sleeping.
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